Wednesday, November 6, 2019


It has been just over a year since I have been on.
I wrote this post and left it as a draft. In the past few weeks I have been getting back on track with things, so here goes.

This past year has been busy in our life. My daughter had been soul searching to find direction in her life, a new job, a place to live on her own and spread her wings. In the fall she was accepted to a specialty school for women. This was a 5 month course for an introduction to trades. She was also given a scholarship for the course (which made us proud as parents) and during the course she submitted an assignment on why she was taking the course and what sacrifices she had to work through to make it happen. This assignment also won her a cash prize for the paper. She met with the supervisor and was more less given instructions for her first day rather than an interview.

In the last week of school they had interviews with potential employers. Once she had completed the course and returned home, she went to work at 2 jobs that she had previously been employed at so she could survive until a job presented itself in the field she desired. Over the next few weeks she received a offer for employment from one of the companies. As she was contemplating accepting this position, she was contacted for an interview with the company that was her first choice. She met with the supervisor and was more less given instructions for her first day rather than an interview.

Although it took a few weeks for the actual hiring process, she has since been through 2 weeks of training and is now in actual work mode. She is enjoying her new job and gets along with her co-workers, which I am very happy that all my children have such a wonderful character about them.

Good luck to my daughter for her future and may she achieve all that she sets out to do.

Seeing my daughter succeed makes me happy.

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