Thursday, October 25, 2018


A good friend of ours commented on my last post and mentioned Autumn as a favorite time of year for her. She loves to take in the magic of fall and the varying hues of colors in the trees.

As the season changes from Summer to Fall, the air begins to cool, dew on the grass starts to be a regular occurance, the mornings start to be chilly to where you can see your breath. When you leave your house you can feel the freshness in the air. The yard gets the last hurrah of deep green before it fades to a brown and goes dormant for the winter.

Finally it gets cold enough that the trees begin to feel the very early stages of the winter. The leaves begin to change color through multiple stages, from a lush green to a pale and then darker yellow, or to a vibrant orange and finally as they die and fall from the tree they turn to a rusty brown as they dry up and blow around the yard.

There are such a variety of colors as we drive down the residential streets of our town. It is so picturesque to see the large tree branches from both sides of the road reaching across and almost embracing in the center. The slivers of sunlight sneaking through the openings and glittering on the wonderful hues of the leaves as the wind rustles through them. Leaves that have past there time fall from the tree and flutter to the ground creating a multicolored blanket.

My grandkids even like Autumn. When we rake up the leaves in the yard they help me push them into the bags. Of course this only happens after playing in the piles of leaves multiple times and throwing them at each other or being buried and hiding in the pile. They also enjoy helping load the bags of leaves into the truck and then going for a drive with PaHa to the yard waste dump station, especially because there is usually a side trip to the corner store for a treat.

Autumn is definitely a special time of year, sometimes it goes by quickly and sometimes it takes multiple weeks to complete the cycle.

And as our good friend stated, "All that takes place during this wonderful season, lets us know that CHANGE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL".

Autumn makes me happy.

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