Wednesday, November 15, 2017


I know my last post was about deer. This one is as well but my about the excitement my granddaughter showed when saw the deer. We were doing some work at the shop when I noticed the deer. It started out as 3 deer wandered over to an open area. After a short time there was 9 deer together, one was a 5 point buck.

I went inside and got Charley-Taylor and took her outside to see the deer. We walked across the street and over to a house where a doe and fawn were in the trees eating leaves. We were standing about 7 feet away from them. Charley was in awe as we watched the 2 deer eat. She was so excited being close to them. It is amazing to see the reactions of children when something excites them.

We went across the main road over by the open area and got close to the other deer. By this time there was 12 deer in the area. I told Charley that we needed to walk very quietly, so she tip-toed as we got closer and finally got to a spot and kneeled down on the sidewalk and watched. Charley kept saying "nice deer, come here deer" she so wanted to go over and pet them. By the time we got ready to leave there was 15 deer in all.

Watching my grand daughters reaction to deer makes me happy.

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