Saturday, November 11, 2017


The other day I left the house early in the morning for a meeting. As I pulled out of the driveway I noticed movement across the street. I pulled up to the corner and across in the neighbor's yard was a deer. I took out my phone, loaded up the camera and proceeded to take pictures. 

I followed the deer for about three blocks as he wandered down the street and into other yards along the way until he took off into a back alley.

It is always cool to see deer in the area. We don't live on the outskirts of town. We are about four kilometers from any area where you would think the deer would live, but they frequent the area.

One evening, aroumd 11:00 PM, I was in the kitchen and saw movement in our front yard. I looked closer and realized there was four deer in my yard eating leaves from my trees. I watched for about fifteen minutes as they went from yard to yard down the street until they disappeared from site. Another time I was driving down the street and five deer trotted out of the kids play park and across the street between the houses and into the back yards like they have been doing it forever, the gentleman at the bus stop just watched them as though it was an everyday occurrence.

Seeing wildlife up close makes me happy.

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