Friday, October 6, 2017


Hockey is an excellent sport, it teaches you skills and finesse, how to have soft hands (until you get in a scrap), how to be a team player, to have drive and desire as an individual and how to be an ambassador for the game and your home city. Growing up in a small northern town, there was not a lot of things to do in the winter. We used to skate down the frozen ditches and shovel the ice on the lake and start a game of shinny hockey. This is where my love for the game started. My first pair of skates I used for hockey tryouts was my dads size 10 generic brand skates. I had to stuff paper in the toe of the skates as I was only a size 8 at the time. The first year I learned to skate well and my love for the game grew. Through the years I have made many friends and met a lot of highly respected people that have helped shape the person I have become. As my children grew, I coached hockey (for over 25 years) and there have even been players from my teams that have grown into excellent young men who have joined the NHL. I have been involved in all aspects of hockey, from making ice and running the zamboni to mascot to music man to broadcasting live video and play by play over the internet. Hockey has been a very large part of my life and even though it is relaxing to not run so much for practices, games and out of town trips, I definitely miss it.

Playing hockey makes me happy.

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