Thursday, October 19, 2017


You know the cool diners from the 1950's (for those of you who are old enough), you know, like the one Fonzie used to frequent on Happy Days.

Well, on the way home from Calgary, my wife and I took a little detour to Black Diamond, a little town in southern Alberta where my dad grew up.
We stopped at Marv's Classic Soda Shop and had probably the best home cooked hamburger ever. It is a very cool little diner.
 The decor is very retro with lots of posters and items from the 50's. There is a big jukebox against the wall.
As well as the small selector boxes on the table in each booth. The staff is even dressed in typical soda shop attire.
 My wife andI had a great meal and and enjoyed our little excursion. We are exploring new places and trying new food and restaurants  all the time.
Spending some time in this soda shop brought back some great memories for me.

50's style soda shops make me happy.


  1. Don't they make the greatest milkshakes in those places.

  2. They should have diners like that everywhere.
