Monday, December 18, 2017


There are a few things that are really enjoyable and some that we get cravings for (like ice cream). My wife is a fanatic for a good bowl of chocolate ice cream.

I remember when we first got married and we would go to my parents house for dinner and spend the evening. After sitting and visiting for a while my dad would invite Nancy into the kitchen to help dish ice cream. after scooping a couple small bowls for my mom and I, they would fill their bowls to overflowing, with chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, bananas, strawberries, nuts and whatever else they could find that might be a nice garnish. They would eat their ice cream in the kitchen, this was their way of sneaking it so no one would know how much ice cream they were having.

There was one time when we were living in Drumheller, Alberta and my wife was pregnant. It was late one evening, around 11:00pm and my wife had the "dreaded craving attack" for ice cream, not just any ice cream, but Schwans Original ice cream. Being the diligent supportive husband, I left the house in search of any place that would sell Schwans ice cream.
After being snubbed at all the stores in town (most of which were convenience stores), I decided to buy her a couple fudgesicles as back up, after all, you don't want to face the wrath of a pregnant woman with cravings!!! As I was headed home I happened to drive by the Schwans warehouse. I pulled over, got out and went to the building to see if they had a sign that said what hours they were open, go sign. It was then that I noticed someone in the yard. I called out to the gentleman, who was the night stocker for the trucks, and asked when they opened and if they sold ice cream at the front. He told me no, only truck delivery and I knew my area of town didn't have delivery for another 4 days. He asked why I was so desperate for ice cream, so I was telling him that my wife was having cravings because she was pregnant.
As soon as I said "PREGNANT" he told me "say no more, I understand, what flavor do you need?" and he went and got me ice cream for my wife, gave it to me and told me don't worry about paying for it. It was a life saver for me.

When we lived in Bremerton, Washington, my wife found a new favorite in a place called Cold Stone Creamery. She spent many a moment with her friends having ice cream with all the fixin's.
Since we have moved back to Lethbridge, Alberta, my wife has had to find a new ice cream place. In her searching for a new favorite place, she has found Marble Slab Creamery. Her favorite ice cream treat right now is... Chocolate Swiss ice cream with lots of Brownies and Caramel sauce mixed into it. When she gets the craving we go for a drive and my granddaughter knows exactly where the ice cream shop is too. Do you think the women in this house love ice cream...haha.

Watching my wife savor her ice cream makes me happy.